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Exceptions: ​

In case there is an error in the structure or processing of the data with QuickRequest, you will see an exception in the browser console like the following:

QuickRequest.js:27 ⚠ QuickRequestException ⚠ | Error: Could not find any form with the id AnyForm 
    "name": "Error",
    "message": "Could not find any form with the id AnyForm",
    "trace": [
        "Error: Could not find any form with the id AnyForm",
        "πŸ” At: new QuickRequestException (",
        "πŸ” At: (",
        "πŸ” At: QuickRequestFetch.send (",
        "πŸ” At: QuickRequestFetch.dispatch (",
        "πŸ” At: new QuickRequestFetch (",
        "πŸ” At: HTMLFormElement.funcEvent ("
QuickRequest.js:27 ⚠ QuickRequestException ⚠ | Error: Could not find any form with the id AnyForm 
    "name": "Error",
    "message": "Could not find any form with the id AnyForm",
    "trace": [
        "Error: Could not find any form with the id AnyForm",
        "πŸ” At: new QuickRequestException (",
        "πŸ” At: (",
        "πŸ” At: QuickRequestFetch.send (",
        "πŸ” At: QuickRequestFetch.dispatch (",
        "πŸ” At: new QuickRequestFetch (",
        "πŸ” At: HTMLFormElement.funcEvent ("

It will be very easy to identify the error that occurred, as well as view the error trace.

Released under the MIT License.