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Share Specific Values with JavaScript ​

If you need to share only particular values returned to the view with JavaScript, rather than all variables, the ->toStrictJS() method provides a more targeted approach. This method functions similarly to Laravel Framework's ->with() method.

Let's explore an example where distinct values are shared with both the view and JavaScript.

class YourController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $astronauts = [
            'Neil Armstrong',
            'Buzz Aldrin',
            'Michael Collins'

        $spacecraft = "Lunar Module Eagle";
        $event = "Apollo 11 Moon Landing";

        return view('welcome')->with([
            'astronauts' => $astronauts
            'spacecraft' => $spacecraft,
            'event'      => $event,
class YourController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $astronauts = [
            'Neil Armstrong',
            'Buzz Aldrin',
            'Michael Collins'

        $spacecraft = "Lunar Module Eagle";
        $event = "Apollo 11 Moon Landing";

        return view('welcome')->with([
            'astronauts' => $astronauts
            'spacecraft' => $spacecraft,
            'event'      => $event,

In this example, only the values of spacecraft and event are shared with JavaScript.

let spacecraft =;
// 'Lunar Module Eagle'

let event =;
// 'Apollo 11 Moon Landing'
let spacecraft =;
// 'Lunar Module Eagle'

let event =;
// 'Apollo 11 Moon Landing'

This method provides a more granular control over the information shared with JavaScript, ensuring a streamlined integration of specific values between your Laravel application and the client-side scripts.

Released under the MIT License.