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String Helper Methods ​

The Str class provides various static methods for checking the characteristics of strings. Below is the documentation for each available method.

isAlphanumeric ​

Checks if a string contains only alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers).

Parameters ​

  • string $string: The string to check.

Returns ​

  • bool: True if the string is alphanumeric, false otherwise.

Example ​

use App\Helpers\Str;

$result = Str::isAlphanumeric('abc123'); // True
$result = Str::isAlphanumeric('abc 123'); // False

isAlpha ​

Checks if a string contains only alphabetic characters (letters).

Parameters ​

  • string $string: The string to check.

Returns ​

  • bool: True if the string is alphabetic, false otherwise.

Example ​

use App\Helpers\Str;

$result = Str::isAlpha('abc'); // True
$result = Str::isAlpha('abc123'); // False

isControl ​

Checks if a string contains control characters.

Parameters ​

  • string $string: The string to check.

Returns ​

  • bool: True if the string contains control characters, false otherwise.

Example ​

use App\Helpers\Str;

$result = Str::isControl("\n\r"); // True
$result = Str::isControl('abc'); // False

isDigit ​

Checks if a string contains only numeric characters (digits).

Parameters ​

  • string $string: The string to check.

Returns ​

  • bool: True if the string contains only numeric characters, false otherwise.

Example ​

use App\Helpers\Str;

$result = Str::isDigit('12345'); // True
$result = Str::isDigit('123a45'); // False

isGraph ​

Checks if a string contains only printable characters excluding spaces.

Parameters ​

  • string $string: The string to check.

Returns ​

  • bool: True if the string contains only printable characters excluding spaces, false otherwise.

Example ​

use App\Helpers\Str;

$result = Str::isGraph('abc123!@#'); // True
$result = Str::isGraph('abc 123'); // False

isLower ​

Checks if a string contains only lowercase alphabetic characters.

Parameters ​

  • string $string: The string to check.

Returns ​

  • bool: True if the string contains only lowercase characters, false otherwise.

Example ​

use App\Helpers\Str;

$result = Str::isLower('abc'); // True
$result = Str::isLower('Abc'); // False

isPrint ​

Checks if a string contains only printable characters.

Parameters ​

  • string $string: The string to check.

Returns ​

  • bool: True if the string contains only printable characters, false otherwise.

Example ​

use App\Helpers\Str;

$result = Str::isPrint('abc123'); // True
$result = Str::isPrint("abc\n123"); // False

isPunct ​

Checks if a string contains only printable characters that are neither spaces nor alphanumeric.

Parameters ​

  • string $string: The string to check.

Returns ​

  • bool: True if the string contains only punctuation characters, false otherwise.

Example ​

use App\Helpers\Str;

$result = Str::isPunct('!@#'); // True
$result = Str::isPunct('abc!'); // False

isSpace ​

Checks if a string contains only whitespace characters.

Parameters ​

  • string $string: The string to check.

Returns ​

  • bool: True if the string contains only whitespace characters, false otherwise.

Example ​

use App\Helpers\Str;

$result = Str::isSpace(' '); // True
$result = Str::isSpace('abc'); // False

isUpper ​

Checks if a string contains only uppercase alphabetic characters.

Parameters ​

  • string $string: The string to check.

Returns ​

  • bool: True if the string contains only uppercase characters, false otherwise.

Example ​

use App\Helpers\Str;

$result = Str::isUpper('ABC'); // True
$result = Str::isUpper('Abc'); // False

isHex ​

Checks if a string contains only hexadecimal characters (digits 0-9 and letters A-F/a-f).

Parameters ​

  • string $string: The string to check.

Returns ​

  • bool: True if the string contains only hexadecimal characters, false otherwise.

Example ​

use App\Helpers\Str;

$result = Str::isHex('1a2b3c'); // True
$result = Str::isHex('1g2h3i'); // False

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